A displaced person was temporarily residing in the house when she noticed the disappearance of power tools and reported it to the police. The investigation revealed that since the beginning of January, a 36-year-old local resident had returned to the serviceman's home several times, gradually stealing property.
Officers from Police Station No. 1 of the Dnipro District Police Department No. 2 identified the perpetrator. He turned out to be a 36-year-old local resident.
The law enforcement officials informed him of the suspicions under Part 4 of Article 185 (theft) and Part 1 of Article 162 (violation of the inviolability of the home) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Currently, the investigators have submitted the indictment to the court.
In Dnipro, we detained a man suspected of involvement in a murder;
Dnipro patrol officers discovered a drunk driver who has no right to drive.