How many fines can a man receive for failing to appear in response to a summons?

A lawyer explained what the law stipulates.
How many fines can a man receive for failing to appear in response to a summons?

In Ukraine, there are no restrictions on the repeated issuance of summons to those liable for military service. In the event of non-appearance, citizens may receive new summons, each of which reinstates the obligation to report to the TCC and SPC.

This was explained by lawyer from the "Aktum" law association Dmitry Kushnarenko in a comment for RBK-Ukraine. According to him, the new summons has a different date, which creates new legal grounds for requiring attendance at the TCC.

If a citizen ignores the summons again, it may result in another administrative fine.

The lawyer clarifies that paying the fine does not exempt individuals from the obligations outlined in Article 22 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Preparation and Mobilization." Paying the fine closes the enforcement proceedings but does not negate the necessity to comply with legal requirements.

In addition to imposing fines for violations of military registration rules, TCC and SPC employees have several methods to exert pressure on offenders. If this requirement is not fulfilled, the TCC and SPC may seek a court order for the temporary deprivation of the citizen's right to operate a vehicle.

Furthermore, men who evade registration or mobilization may be forcibly taken to the recruitment center by police at the decision of the TCC.

The lawyer emphasized that the entire period during which a citizen ignores the call to the TCC and SPC until the issuance of a ruling is considered a "prolonged administrative offense."

"It is also important to remember the possibility of criminal liability for violations of mobilization legislation. The Criminal Code of Ukraine contains relevant articles: Art. 336 – evasion from conscription for military service during mobilization or in special periods, and Art. 337 – evasion from military registration or training (special) meetings," noted lawyer Dmitry Kushnarenko.

Earlier, "Telegraf" reported on whether it is possible to avoid a fine for non-appearance following a summons. Notifications to the TCC can be sent by mail.