On Wednesday, January 29, Russians launched drone attacks for the second consecutive night in the Odessa region. Following the attack, a fire broke out in the city of Kiliya.
At 2:44 AM, the Air Force warned of Russian drones in the Odessa region, which were heading towards the Kiliya/Izmail areas. Monitoring channels reported around three in the morning that up to 10 drones had arrived from the sea. An air raid alert was declared in the region from 1:25 AM to 4:03 AM.
Note: War — Day 1071: Russians are pressing near Pokrovsk and rapidly losing military equipment
Residents of Kiliya, Vilkovo, Izmail, and nearby settlements were urged to take shelter. After the attack, a glow was observed in the city of Kiliya.
It is worth noting that the enemy has been intensively attacking Odessa for the second night. On Tuesday, January 28, drones damaged one of the schools in Odessa. The fire also destroyed more than a dozen vehicles. Windows were shattered in three 9-story residential buildings. Additionally, apartments on the 18th floor of a 20-story building were damaged. Four people were injured, including a 91-year-old man who was hospitalized. The other victims received assistance on the spot.
As reported by "Telegraph," on the night of January 28, Russians also attacked Chernihiv, where an explosion was heard. Debris from a drone partially destroyed two private houses.