Men's names and their symbolism: Celebrating the Angel's Day for strong and courageous Ukrainians.

Discover the meanings behind the names Konstantin, Kirill, Mikhail, Semyon, Julian, and Makar, along with the dates of their name days.
Men's names and their symbolism: Celebrating the Angel's Day for strong and courageous Ukrainians.

Names hold profound significance for people across all cultures around the world. They carry sacred meanings and millennia of history, connecting us to the past and shaping our future. Each name has a special day dedicated to celebrating its name day.

"Telegraph" reveals the meanings of the names: Konstantin, Kirill, Mikhail, Semyon, Julian, Makariy. It also notes when the celebrations of their name days occur.

Konstantin – faithful and principled

The name Konstantin has Greek origins, derived from the word "Κωνσταντῖνος" (Konstantinos), which means "constant," "unchanging," "steadfast." It symbolizes reliability, loyalty to one’s principles, and firmness of character.

The name was popular among Byzantine emperors, particularly Emperor Constantine the Great, who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. In Ukraine and other Slavic countries, it has a diminutive form Kostya or Kostya as a nickname.

The name day for Konstantin is celebrated on February 27.

Kirill – wise leader

The name Kirill has Greek origins, stemming from the word "Κύριλλος" (Kyryllos), meaning "lord," "master," "owner." This name symbolizes strength, wisdom, and leadership qualities.

The name became known thanks to Saint Kirill, who, alongside his brother Methodius, created the Slavic alphabet – Cyrillic, which influenced the development of literacy among many Slavic peoples.

Diminutive and affectionate forms of the name include: Kir, Kirill, Kiryusha, Kirchik. Name day is celebrated on February 27.

Mikhail – brave and just

The name Mikhail has ancient Hebrew origins, derived from the word (Mīkhā’ēl), which means "Who is like God?" or "like God."

This name was borne by Archangel Mikhail, who is recognized in biblical tradition as the defender of faith and conqueror of evil. For this reason, the name is associated with courage, strength of spirit, and justice.

Diminutive forms include: Misha, Misha, Misha, Misha. The name day is celebrated on February 28.

Semyon – possesses inner strength and wisdom

The name Semyon has ancient Hebrew origins, derived from the name Shimon (שִׁמְעוֹן — Shim’on), which means "heard by God" or "God has heard."

This name symbolizes wisdom, spirituality, and inner strength. Throughout history, it has often been found among saints and righteous individuals, and in Ukrainian culture, Semyon is a popular name with warm diminutive forms: Semko, Semchik, Semenko. The name day is celebrated on February 28.

Julian – strong and noble

The name Julian has Latin origins, derived from "Julianus", which means "of the Julian family" or "youthful, young."

This name is associated with the ancient Roman Julian family, which includes figures like Gaius Julius Caesar. The name Julian is linked to nobility, intelligence, and strength of spirit.

Diminutive forms include: Yulik, Julianchik. The name day is celebrated on March 1.

Makariy – happy and blessed

The name Makariy has Greek origins, derived from the word "Μακάριος" (Makarios), which means "blessed," "happy."

This name symbolizes spiritual well-being, luck, and harmony. In Christian tradition, it frequently appears among saints, particularly the blessed Makariy of Egypt, known for his asceticism and wisdom.

Diminutive forms include: Makarko, Makarchik, Makarenka. The name day is celebrated on March 1.

Previously, "Telegraph" discussed which surnames were given to unfortunate Ukrainians in ancient times.