Was the Russian invasion inevitable? Kuleba explained what provoked Putin's actions.

Ukraine could have been in a much better position if the West hadn't been so eager to prevent escalation.
Was the Russian invasion inevitable? Kuleba explained what provoked Putin's actions.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine could not have been avoided. However, it could have been postponed for several months, but not for years.

This opinion was expressed by former Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba in an interview with BBC. According to him, Vladimir Putin was prompted to initiate the invasion by the West's weak response—he believed that no one would react to the capture of Ukraine.

"Everything he knew about the West led him to assume that the West would not respond appropriately. And he was wrong about that," he said.

At the same time, Kuleba noted that the good news is that Ukraine is still alive and fighting, while the bad news is that the war has been ongoing for three years.

The former minister added that Ukraine could be in a much better position if the prevailing desire in the world was to prevent escalation. According to him, this mindset was prevalent not only in Washington but also in some European capitals, including Berlin.

As previously reported, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson stated that the West did not have a clear stance on Ukraine. Many countries were unsure whether it was part of the Western world or a zone of Russian influence.