In the heart of Kyiv, a monument dedicated to Nobel Prize winner in Physiology Ivan Pavlov has been dismantled.

Near the Alexander Hospital, utility workers dismantled the monument to Ivan Pavlov.
In the heart of Kyiv, a monument dedicated to Nobel Prize winner in Physiology Ivan Pavlov has been dismantled.

In the Pechersk district of Kyiv, near the Alexandrovskaya hospital, municipal workers have dismantled the monument to the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov. This was reported by the Kyiv Department of Territorial Control.

The dismantling is being carried out in accordance with the decision of the Kyiv City Council regarding the list of objects to be removed from the public space of the city. The dismantled monument is being stored at a designated site for abandoned property.

In the future, it will be transferred to the State Aviation Museum of Ukraine named after A.K. Antonov, where other dismantled objects are kept.

According to the department, since 2022, the municipal enterprise "Kyivblagoustriy" has already dismantled 59 objects, including the monument to Shchors. As of the end of January 2025, a total of 118 such objects have been removed in Kyiv.

It is worth noting that the improved Pavlovian method of isolated gastric chambers allowed for the first time to establish and describe the phases of gastric juice secretion. As a result, Pavlov made several discoveries in the study of digestive reflexes. Thus, Ivan Pavlov essentially redefined modern gastrointestinal physiology.

Ivan Pavlov was awarded the Nobel Prize (1904) in the field of physiology and medicine "For his work on the physiology of digestion, which expanded and changed the understanding of vital aspects of this issue."