The Bureau of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) approved a decision on urgent debates regarding Ukraine and "peace negotiations" on January 27.
As noted by "European Truth," the winter session of PACE will commence at noon in Strasbourg, where several decisions in the format of "urgent debates" concerning the Eastern European region are planned to be adopted. The governing body of the assembly has agreed to this decision, which will then be formally approved in the session hall.
The decision primarily relates to the working title "Europe's Commitment to a Just and Sustainable Peace in Ukraine." This document will be prepared during the session and is expected to outline the parliamentarians' vision regarding Europe's role in future peace negotiations.
This information was also confirmed by a member of the Permanent Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Alexey Goncharenko.
This document is set to be adopted on January 30 in the afternoon.
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