As previously reported by the “Judicial and Legal Newspaper”, the new deadline for citizens of Ukraine, who are deemed partially fit for military service, to undergo a repeated military medical commission is proposed to be set for June 5, 2025.
The Ministry of Defense indicates that the relevant draft law is currently being prepared for review. The document amends paragraph 2 of section II “Final and Transitional Provisions” of the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding the Provision of Rights for Military Personnel and Police Officers to Social Protection”.
Those liable for military service, recognized as partially fit, will be required to independently contact the territorial recruitment center or obtain a referral to the military medical commission for a medical examination through the electronic cabinet for conscripts.
Failure to comply with or timely execute the new regulation will be classified as an administrative offense, as stated by the Ministry of Defense.
At the same time, the Ministry of Defense notes that under the current legislation, all partially fit individuals must undergo a medical examination again by February 4 inclusive. However, as of now, only 25% of them have managed to do so.
As reported by the “Judicial and Legal Newspaper”, on May 4, 2024, the law 3621-IX on the repeated medical examination of partially fit individuals came into effect. The corresponding changes are outlined in the draft law №10313, which has been adopted as a law regarding the provision of rights for military personnel and police officers to social protection.
Meanwhile, the Deputy Head of the President's Office Irina Vereshchuk noted that the territorial recruitment centers will not impose fines on those who do not manage to undergo the military medical commission by February 5.
As previously stated by the “Judicial and Legal Newspaper”, the Deputy Head of the President's Office announced on television that the deadline for undergoing the military medical commission should be extended by at least three months so that all liable individuals, previously recognized as partially fit, can complete the process.
The official pointed out that after discussions with deputies, the Ministry of Defense, and the General Staff, it was determined that additional time should be provided for undergoing the military medical commission. This requires changes in legislation.
“The decision will be made by lawmakers, but our position is that at least three months should be given. We understand that there is a certain number of military medical commissions – 1036. There are over a million people who need to undergo the commission. And there is a calculation of the throughput capacity of the military medical commissions,” said Vereshchuk.
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