It has been revealed whether contract postgraduate students will receive a deferment from mobilization.

Contract graduate students will not have their deferment from mobilization reinstated, according to Sergey Babak, head of the Education Committee.
It has been revealed whether contract postgraduate students will receive a deferment from mobilization.

In 2025, the daytime study format for contract doctoral students, which grants a deferment from mobilization, will also be abolished. This was announced by the head of the Committee on Education, Science, and Innovation Sergey Babak in an interview with “Ukrainian News.”

Babak noted that over the past two and a half years, doctoral studies have primarily served as a means to avoid mobilization rather than for scientific purposes.

“Under the slogan that ‘we need to attract youth to science,’ more than 90,000 people registered for the doctoral entrance exam, while we only graduate a few thousand each year. ‘The thirst for knowledge has sharply increased, and everyone has started to tackle the challenges of science,’” he said.

When asked whether this will continue to be addressed by limiting admissions to full-time study, Babak responded: “I think so. In fact, we have not yet conducted a deep analysis of this issue, only a superficial one, but we agreed with the Ministry to analyze it at one of the committee meetings by the end of the year. I feel that we will continue this practice.”

Let’s recall that Reserve+ has introduced the opportunity to obtain a deferment from mobilization for large families.

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