The NBU aims to update the procedures for conducting interbank payment transactions.

The National Bank aims to identify the specific characteristics of instant payment transfers conducted by non-bank payment service providers through a bank that participates in the instant payment system.
The NBU aims to update the procedures for conducting interbank payment transactions.

The National Bank of Ukraine aims to update the procedure for conducting interbank payment transactions in Ukraine using the national currency. This was announced on the official NBU website.

It is noted that this need arises from the enactment of the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Improvement of the Functions of the National Bank of Ukraine in State Regulation of Financial Services Markets," which comes into effect on November 8. This law introduces changes to the Law of Ukraine "On Payment Services" and establishes the possibility of conducting instant credit transfers in Ukraine.

The NBU proposes, in particular:

to establish the procedure for accepting and excluding participants in instant credit transfers carried out through the NBU's electronic payment system (hereinafter referred to as instant transfer SEP);

to regulate the specifics of executing instant transfers via SEP;

to clarify the technology for executing forced, uncontested, and contractual debits of funds from a bank's correspondent account using SEP;

to outline the specifics of executing instant transfers via SEP by non-banking payment service providers through a bank that is a participant in the instant transfer SEP.

 The relevant norms are contained in the draft resolution of the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine "On Approval of Amendments to the Instruction on the Execution of Interbank Payment Transactions in Ukraine in the National Currency" (hereinafter - the draft resolution), which is proposed for public discussion.

Comments and suggestions regarding the draft resolution are accepted according to the format for submitting comments and suggestions until December 4, 2024, inclusive.