What subsidy can a person earning minimum wage qualify for? The answer might surprise you!

Subsidies are determined based on the income of citizens.
What subsidy can a person earning minimum wage qualify for? The answer might surprise you!

The decision on whether subsidies will be granted depends on the family's situation, the eligibility of individuals for this type of assistance, and the number of residents. The final amount is also influenced by the tariffs in the relevant region.

As of February 2025, the minimum wage in Ukraine is 8,000 UAH. If a subsidy recipient lives alone and their utility bills fall within social norms at approximately 2,000 UAH (considering heating during the cold months), they may qualify for a subsidy. In months without heating, the subsidy may not be granted, as the utility costs are lower than the mandatory payment.

To calculate, one must determine the mandatory payment amount. This is done by dividing the monthly income by the number of residents, the living wage, the basic coefficient (2), and multiplying by the basic norm for service charges (15).

8000 : 1 : 2920 : 2 x 15 = 20.5%. In UAH, this amount would be 8000 x 20.5 = 1640 UAH. The subsidy amount equals the difference between the total charges within social norms and the calculated amount. 2000 – 1640 UAH = 360 UAH

If, however, an individual living on a disability income of 8,000 UAH, the amount will be higher since the social housing norm increases by 30% for non-working disabled individuals. It should be noted that the cost of utilities according to regulations varies by each locality depending on the service provider's rates.

Формула вычисления судбидии

To understand if you are within the consumption limits, it's essential to know them. For instance, the water consumption norm per person is 3.6 cubic meters.

Previously, "Telegraph" reported that in Ukraine, one can receive three types of subsidies. However, two of them require specific living conditions.