Previously, “Judicial and Legal Newspaper” wrote that Ukraine will establish a “Pentagon of State Registries.” As reported by the First Deputy Minister of Justice Nikolai Kucheravyenko during a national telethon, the project for creating the “Pentagon of State Registries” is based on two key areas: legislation and the implementation of cybersecurity measures.
“This concerns the combination of two trends and processes: the first is legislation, and the second is the actual application of the measures that will ensure our cybersecurity. We are talking about draft law 11290, which was developed primarily by the State Special Communications Service, based on an analysis of information regarding more than 4,000 cyber incidents. This has shaped our systemic vision and the development of safeguards,” noted Kucheravyenko.
One of the innovations will be the mandatory introduction of a cybersecurity specialist position within critical infrastructure enterprises. This specialist will be responsible for preventing and minimizing cybersecurity threat risks.
According to the official, the draft law has already passed its first reading in the Verkhovna Rada. Following its final approval, a comprehensive system for protecting state registries will begin to be formed. “A similar draft law has already passed its first reading, but it is still on its way to being adopted by the Verkhovna Rada, and we will start building this system in accordance with the legislative norm that will emerge. But this will definitely happen,” emphasized Kucheravyenko.
Earlier, “Judicial and Legal Newspaper” detailed described the draft law on the protection of state information resources and critical information infrastructure objects.