The Pension Fund clarified who is eligible to receive subsidies for purchasing solid fuel.

Families whose incomes are insufficient to cover heating costs on their own are entitled to receive a housing subsidy for the purchase of solid fuel.
The Pension Fund clarified who is eligible to receive subsidies for purchasing solid fuel.

The Main Department of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in the Zaporizhia region has reminded who is eligible to receive a subsidy for the purchase of solid fuel.

For individuals who heat their living spaces exclusively with solid fuel (do not have centralized heating, and do not use natural gas or electricity for this purpose), legislation provides for a housing subsidy and a benefit for the purchase of solid household fuel.

Families whose incomes do not allow them to pay for heating on their own have the right to a housing subsidy for the purchase of solid fuel.

Certain categories of citizens (war veterans, combat participants, large families, and others) can benefit from the solid fuel allowance.

The housing subsidy and the benefit for the purchase of solid household fuel are granted upon a personal application once a calendar year.

It should be noted that a certificate confirming the presence of solid fuel heating in the living space is only required when applying for the benefit (paragraph 3-1 of the Procedure approved by the CMU Resolution No. 373 dated April 17, 2019). To receive a subsidy for the purchase of solid fuel, information about the presence of solid fuel heating must be included in the income and expenditure declaration of the individuals applying for assistance, or in a simplified application form if submitted under an experimental project.

Additionally, a housing subsidy or benefit may also be provided for utility services: electricity, water supply, garbage collection, etc.