Often, people feel pity for those who have been betrayed. Experiencing the betrayal of a loved one is incredibly difficult and always a significant source of stress.

However, psychologists believe that the blame for infidelity does not lie solely with the person who committed it. Astrologers also affirm that the one who has been betrayed shares some responsibility.

During a person's birth, deceitful planets endow certain individuals with a "karma" that leads them to bear "horns" throughout their lives. In other words, there are Zodiac signs that seemingly condemn their bearers to be perpetual targets of infidelity.


Libra tops this list. This fact seems particularly unjust, considering that Libra is the most romantic, loving, and devoted sign. Representatives of this Zodiac sign create all the conditions for their partners to feel happy. However, this often turns into dependency. Libras begin to suspect their partners of everything, losing trust. They literally start demanding love, which often makes their partners want to escape.


Capricorns are always genuinely surprised when they are betrayed. It seemed like everything was fine. However, they are only perfect during the "candy-bouquet" phase. As soon as Mendelssohn's wedding march plays and a stamp appears in their passport, Capricorn sheds all pretenses and returns to a previous bachelor lifestyle, where their only concern is themselves. Partners of this Zodiac sign begin to feel irritated, leading them to seek comfort elsewhere.


Virgo is one of the most faithful Zodiac signs. Therefore, they find it especially hard to cope with the infidelity of others. Apparently, alongside their code of loyalty, there is another program that attracts dishonest partners. It is easy to betray a Virgo because they do not suspect, do not check, and are not afraid. They believe that everyone values loyalty as deeply and unconditionally as they do. And when Virgo discovers the betrayal, the relationship will end in an instant.