About 14% of adults constantly experience chronic fatigue, which may indicate underlying health issues. Dietitian Lina Begdache explains that the causes of fatigue often stem from poor nutrition, lifestyle choices, and a lack of essential nutrients, such as vitamins D, B12, and omega-3 fatty acids, writes Science Alert.

Main factors contributing to fatigue:

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  • Vitamin D deficiency. More than 40% of adults do not get enough of it, which can lead to weakness and decreased cognitive functions. It can be obtained from fatty fish, eggs, fortified milk, and mushrooms.
  • Lack of vitamin B12. Low levels of this vitamin can result in anemia and fatigue. It is found in meat, fish, and dairy products, and supplements are recommended for vegans.
  • Omega-3 insufficiency. About 80% of people over 40 do not receive the required amount of these fatty acids, which affects brain function. Sources include fatty fish, flaxseeds, and nuts.

Impact of lifestyle:

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  • Alcohol. It reduces vitamin absorption and may exacerbate fatigue.
  • Sunlight. Even 10–30 minutes a day can help increase vitamin D levels.
  • Physical activity. Regular exercise improves circulation and boosts energy. It is recommended to engage in at least 150 minutes of exercise per week.
  • Sleep. Inadequate rest disrupts the body's energy balance. Aim for 7–9 hours of sleep per night, avoid screens before bedtime, and establish a calming routine.

A balanced diet, physical activity, and quality sleep are key to reducing fatigue and enhancing well-being.