In 2015, a criminal group led by the Drevenaki brothers was involved in recruiting homeless and unemployed men from various European countries, promising them attractive working conditions and high earnings in the UK. The Drevenaki brothers showcased a lavish lifestyle to their victims, creating the illusion of a promising future.
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SubscribeMany men, lured by these "golden mountains," agreed to relocate. However, upon arrival in the UK, the situation changed drastically. The brothers immediately confiscated the men's passports and other documents, depriving them of the ability to return home or leave the country independently, reports BBC.
The victims were forced to work at McDonald's restaurants, performing grueling tasks for 100 hours a week. Instead of the promised pay, the men received only money for food, with the rest of their earnings taken by the brothers.
At least 16 victims are known, but the actual number may be significantly higher. The men could not escape as the Drevenaki brothers monitored them and hunted down those who attempted to flee.
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